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The Leaves Of The Soursop Are 1,000 Times Stronger At Killing Cancer Than Chemotherapy

There have been a number of medical experts who have found out that the leaves from the super-healthy fruit of the Soursop is around 1,000 stronger when it comes to killing off cancer cells when compared to the conventional chemotherapy treatments.

Soursop that also goes by the name of Graviola is a type of exotic fruit that is identified for its distinctive flavor that various people admit is a combination of pineapple and strawberry. The fruit is not only delicious but has a host of health benefits and contains outstanding medicinal properties. Some experts state that the root, leaves as well as the bark of this tree have been in use for the prevention as well as treatment of numerous health issues for centuries. Below is some important information about the leaves of the Soursop.

Effective In Treating Cancer

Even though Soursop has been promoted extensively for an alternative type of natural cancer treatment, there is not much medical evidence to back up these claims. However, researchers involved in the study of the Graviola leaves claim that the leaves are far stronger in fighting the cancer cells when compared to chemotherapy. In addition, this alternative approach to treating cancer is far more affordable to the most common cancer treatment types and does not produce complications or side effects. It has been said that the leaves of the Soursop are exceedingly effective against prostate, breast and lung cancer. 

Directions On How To Make Soursop Leaf Tea

To make this concoction one will need around 10 leaves of the Soursop that have been chopped up and then boiled in about 3 cups of water. Remove from the heat as soon as two thirds of the boiling water has evaporated and about one third remains. Allow the mixture to cool and then drink the concoction like a tea.

Health Benefits:

Urinary Tract Infections

This health condition known as UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) is a type of condition characterized by a bacterial infection in the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder or urethra. Medical experts suggest that drinking Soursop tea offers formidable healing effects for UTI. For those individuals who experience this condition frequently, the tea can be used frequently as a type of preventive measure.

Gout Treatment

Gout is explained as a condition that is characterized by painful and inflamed joints mainly in the area of the hands and the feet. Consuming a tea made out of boiled Soursop leaves is said to relieve this painful condition and assists in flushing out uric acid in the bloodstream which is the main contributing factor to the pain caused by this condition.

Effective For Rheumatism

Rheumatism is similar to the condition known as gout where a person usually experiences swollen and painful joints. In some cases people with rheumatism can also suffer from an effect on their muscles. Today an excellent alternative to NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) would be Soursop which is a completely natural remedy that contains outstanding anti-inflammatory properties. The process is extremely easy and only involves boiling the leaves till a concentrated mixture has been left behind. Now mash up the boiled leaves to create a poultice and then apply the mixture directly to the affected muscles and joints at least twice daily.

Ideal Treatment For Individuals With Eczema

Experts recommend that the powerful leaves of the Soursop can also be used for the treatment of numerous conditions, one of these includes eczema. One of the most prominent features of these treatments is that they do not produce any unwanted or unfavorable side-effects like the majority of the topical steroids, particularly when they have been used for long periods-of-time. In order to treat eczema, follow the same directions of making the boiled concoction into a poultice and apply this solution in a liberal manner to any area on the body that has eczema. Individuals who have tried out this remedy have stated that they soon felt the benefits of the anti-inflammatory properties of the mixture.

Boosts The Immune System

For those who are prone to getting the flu, colds or numerous other types of infections and disease, the usual reason is based on an immune system that is weak or fragile. Tea made out of Soursop leaves is highly recommended as it is viewed as a superb method to assist in protecting the body in an effective way from invading microbes. It is suggested to drink this tea on a daily basis to maintain a stronger immune system. In addition, the tea is also beneficial when used while an individual is already suffering from a cold, infection, disease or the flu. This can assist the person in bouncing back to a state of health in a much shorter time frame. Soursop is truly an exceptional remedy that can treat a variety of illnesses and diseases while boosting the immune system and never producing harmful or unfavorable side effects.


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